04 Feb Surviving as a Specialist: Wall Street Journal Article Featuring Jeff Kaye, Co-CEO of Kaye/Bassman International
Surviving as a Specialist: Wall Street Journal Article Featuring Jeff Kaye, Co-CEO of Kaye/Bassman International
Dallas, Texas, 2/4/2013:
Lee Martin was a search consultant who found job candidates for companies in commercial construction and real estate. But the recession sapped 2.2 million jobs out of construction, forcing the Dallas recruiter to refocus his niche or look for another job.
After doing research and connecting with his network to get introductions and references, Mr. Martin began to aggressively pursue government building contracts. It was a smaller and more specialized market but there was a wartime construction boom of military bases and infrastructure that helped to carry Mr. Martin’s recruiting firm through a few tough years. Mr. Martin is now a managing partner at his recruiting firm.
In whatever field you work in, specializing is one tactic that can be used to improve your odds of surviving layoffs if you can correctly anticipate future company and industry needs, say career experts. Specialization also pays better and is a more attractive pitch to those employers that are cautiously hiring again and looking for specialized candidates to fill new growth areas or restore old ones.
“It sounds counterintuitive but the specialist tends to be the higher-valued employee because of their specific competency and because they have broad training that allows them to back out and take on more general roles as needed,” says Jeff Kaye, co-chief executive of Kaye/Bassman International, a Dallas-based recruiting firm. “And when things improve, the specialist can return to the work that they were originally hired to do. It’s not the same for the generalist who may require additional training.
About Kaye/Bassman
Founded in 1981, Kaye/Bassman has grown to become the largest single-site executive search and recruitment firm in the United States with the simple mission of impacting companies and enhancing careers by providing the finest in professional, executive, technical and scientific search. Kaye/Bassman provides strategic recruiting and executive search solutions in over 20 industry practice areas including construction recruiting, healthcare recruiting, banking executive search, energy recruitment and many more. Next Level Recruiting Training, a recruiting training organization, Next Level Exchange, a recruiting training best practices information exchange, and Next Level Marketing Communications are also Kaye/Bassman companies.
For additional information or a sample copy, contact:
Darren McDougal
Kaye/Bassman International
(972) 931.5242
(972) 931.9683
Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323375204578270152248598148.html
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