Rae Ellen Douglas, Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Featured in The Muse

Rae Ellen Douglas, Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Featured in The Muse


Rae Ellen Douglas, Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Featured in The Muse, Resume Makeover, Medical Edition

Dallas, TX | 9/25/2017

By Natalie Burg

Anyone who knows you knows how passionate you are about helping people. You’re sure if you make it to the interview, you’ll blow the socks off any hospital or healthcare organization. But the trick is getting the interview and in order to do that, you’re going to need a great resume.

While there are plenty of general resume tips out there, here’s what nursing job candidates need to know about crafting an eye-catching document.

Don’t just say where you worked, describe what it was like. For example, state that you worked in an urban, Level I trauma center with 500 beds that sees 110,000 patients a year. “That tells a more complete story of the environment the person has been working in than if they just have the name of the hospital on there,” says Rae Ellen Douglas, a nursing recruiter with Kaye/Bassman International.

Read More: https://www.themuse.com/advice/resume-makeover-medical-edition

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