Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Trey Wright Featured in MSN, 10 Signs You’re Stuck in Your Career (and What to Do)

Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Trey Wright Featured in MSN, 10 Signs You’re Stuck in Your Career (and What to Do)


Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Trey Wright Featured in MSN, 10 Signs You’re Stuck in Your Career (and What to Do)

Dallas, TX | 8/10/2015

Job mobility, which often includes an increase in salary, can be an important part of a healthy career, but how can you tell when it’s the right time to move on? If more than a couple of these 10 signs apply to you, you’ve probably reached a career dead end. Check out these red flags below, and learn how to get your career back on track:

We all have mornings when we fantasize about going to the beach, or doing 100 other things besides work, but this is more than that. If you have a genuine feeling of dread before each work day, it could be a red flag that you’ve burnt out.

What to do: “Make a list of the things that are good about your job, and then list the things that are not on the right side of the page,” says Trey Wright, managing partner of the higher education practice at Kaye Bassman International, a recruiting and executive search firm.

Read More: http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careersandeducation/10-signs-youre-stuck-in-your-career-and-what-to-do/ar-BBlf9JM#page=1

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