04 Feb Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner, Trey Wright, Featured in Higher Ed Jobs
Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner, Trey Wright, Featured in Higher Ed Jobs, 4 Reasons to Turn Down the Job Offer
By: Leah Grubb
Plano, TX | 2/4/2020
Deciding to leave your current position and take a new job is not something to take lightly. It can be tempting to accept the offer on the spot, especially when you’re desperate to leave your current position. Whether you’re just looking for a fresh start or there’s something you’re running from — such as a bad boss, exhaustion, burnout, or low morale — it is in your best interest to pause and reflect on whether the job is truly a good fit and aligns with your long-term career goals.
This could be the opportunity of a lifetime — or it could be a misstep in your career. While it’s flattering to be offered a position, and it’s always tough to turn down an employment offer, there are some good reasons to do so:
Trey Wright, managing partner in Higher Education Practice at Kaye/Bassman, says that the “first, and probably most important, sign that you should turn a job offer down, is your gut feeling or instinct.”
Read more: https://www.higheredjobs.com/Articles/articleDisplay.cfm?ID=2128
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