Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Rae Ellen Douglas Featured in Monster, How to Recruit Nurses in 2016: Eight Strategies to Fill the Pipeline

Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Rae Ellen Douglas Featured in Monster, How to Recruit Nurses in 2016: Eight Strategies to Fill the Pipeline


Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Rae Ellen Douglas Featured in Monster, How to Recruit Nurses in 2016: Eight Strategies to Fill the Pipeline

Dallas, TX | 9/28/2015

By John Rossheim

Will 2016 bring the perfect storm of a worse-than-ever nursing shortage? And how is it likely to impact nursing recruiters who are looking to fill nursing jobs? It’s too early to know, but many of the perennial contributing factors to find nursing talent point to a wider gap between supply and demand.

Acknowledge that the nursing talent war is (back) on. With the recession long behind us and millions more Americans covered by Affordable Care Act and expanded Medicaid, “there’s been a resurgence of staff-level demand,” says Rae Ellen Douglas, a partner at search firm Kaye Bassman International. Meanwhile, retirements have picked up as the economic recovery has made senior nurses more financially secure.

Read More: http://hiring.monster.com/hr/hr-best-practices/recruiting-hiring-advice/attracting-job-candidates/how-to-recruit-nurses.aspx

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