06 May Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Chris Melillo Featured In Rigzone, Training, Development: Maintaining a Skilled Workforce in Oil, Gas
Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Chris Melillo Featured In Rigzone, Training, Development: Maintaining a Skilled Workforce in Oil, Gas
By: Valerie Jones
Dallas, TX | 5/6/2015
HR experts shared best practices on how to manage layoffs with care as well as acquire skilled workers during the industry downturn. Additionally, it’s important to remember the war for talent is not over, rather it’s changing and evolving. During this downturn, HR and recruiters should make strategic decisions in order to maintain a successful business. Is Upskilling Full-Proof?
“The term upskilling was intended to be the teaching of an employee additional skills to enhance the capabilities of a staff,” Chris Melillo, managing partner and energy practice leader for Kaye/Bassman International Corp., told Rigzone.
About Kaye/Bassman Founded in 1981, Kaye/Bassman has grown to become the largest single-site executive search and recruitment firm in the United States with the simple mission of impacting companies and enhancing careers by providing the finest in professional, executive, technical and scientific search. Kaye/Bassman provides strategic recruiting and executive search solutions in over 20 industry practice areas including construction recruiting, healthcare recruiting, banking executive search, energy recruitment and many more. Next Level Recruiting Training, a recruiting training organization, Next Level Exchange, a recruiting training best practices information exchange, and Next Level Marketing Communications are also Kaye/Bassman companies.
For additional information or a sample copy, contact:
Darren McDougal
Kaye/Bassman International
(972) 931.5242
(972) 931.9683
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