01 Feb Kaye/Bassman Managing Director Jeff Wittenberg Featured in The Real Deal New York Real Estate News
Kaye/Bassman Managing Director Jeff Wittenberg Featured in The Real Deal New York Real Estate News, “Realogy’s realignment – New CEO Ryan Schneider starts off with a C-suite shakeup, but can he jump-start the residential behemoth’s stalled revenue growth?”
Plano, TX | 2/1/2018
By E.B. Solomont
In 1996, when Richard Smith took the helm of Realogy, the housing bubble was in its infancy; there was no such thing as Zillow; and the concept of a startup brokerage with unicorn status was both inconceivable and 17 years off.
Having weathered all of the above — and then some — the veteran chief executive passed the baton on Jan. 1 to Ryan Schneider, a banking executive who’s vowed to accelerate the company’s turnaround.
It’s highly unusual for such a major company to hire someone from outside the industry, said Jeff Wittenberg, managing director of Kaye/Bassman, an executive search firm in Texas. “To go outside the industry, in this case, is, I think, a pretty bold move.”
But several sources said Schneider may be just the silver bullet Realogy needs.
Read more: https://therealdeal.com/issues_articles/realogys-realignment/
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